
Abram & Madeline have started their little family in Greenville, Pennsylvania, with their daughter Rahab and another on the way. They are both involved in the work of Downtown Ministries, Inc.

Their family worships at Saints Cyril and Methodios Church at Camp Nazareth in Mercer, Pennsylvania, where they are undergoing catechesis in the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese.


Abram’s medium is predominantly digital art, although certain analog elements tend to crop up from time to time. His primary technique is called “glitch art”, involving the manual manipulation of the code of a file in order produce unique effects. While most “glitch artists” thrive on the random output of such manipulation, Abram prefers to predicate an outcome and then edit by hand to produce a specific form for his final product. It might be proper to say that his pieces are more or less collages composed of glitched components.

Thematically, Abram is mostly concerned with communicating the transcendent on a psychological level. Drawing as much from The Divine Comedy as from Neon Genesis Evangelion, he hopes to infuse the harsh reality of despair in the post-modern world with the Divine love that is still at work in this world.

Abram has an Associate of Arts in Theology from Reformation Bible College, and is currently taking classes at St. Gregory Nazianzen Institute to complete a Bachelor of Arts in Eastern Christian Studies.

Madeline’s favorite medium, and all recent works, are acrylic paint. She uses her fingers instead of a traditional paint brush. This technique implements an impressionistic feel, which comes from inspirations such as Edward Degas.

Often times her titles and themes come from theological writings, the Bible and other Christian influences. Her mission is to present God’s given word and tradition through her art and help individuals reflect on their relationship with Christ.

Madeline is the Director of Art Ministries at Sans MOCO Art Gallery through Downtown Ministries.